Dimity, Diaper, and Damask are just a few of the names given to families of weave structures with useful applications from napery to drapery and garments to bedding. Monochrome textiles with woven in pattern are the focus of this class, though we’ll let you go wild with color if your heart desires (rules are meant to be broken). Students may weave napery for the table or kitchen, a throw or small counterpane, or yardage for curtains or garment making. Weave structures may include:
Spot weave
Ms and Os
Birds eye
Lined work
Damask diaper, in divisions of three, four, or five leaves
Traditional materials like singles or plied cotton, linen, and hemp will be available, or students may branch out into silk or wool. If you love texture, these structures are for you!
Materials will be billed separately by weight.
Prerequisite: Foundations, or prior weaving experience at Newbury.